Thursday, February 19, 2009

How cool would this be????

I may have the opportunity to sell my jewelry in a gift shop in my home town! I'm not going to count on it.. details are still fuzzy...but it would be really cool if it happened. I bought some genuine beach glass last night and I am going to set myself on the task of getting some pieces made up that reflect the area, but still have my style.

I am also planning to do the farmers market at least a few times this year, but we will just have to see. Its totally unfortunate that my husbands schedule works the way it does, because he will work every other Saturday, meaning unless I hire a babysitter, there is no logical way for me to do the market. My kids are just too young to come with me, it wouldn't be fair. He will be back on day-shift by then, so we will be able to do every other Saturday.. and it is very inexpensive to do a booth there.. so I think I will give it a shot and see what happens.

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